Alaska Library Association

2022 AkLA Conference: Growing, Changing, Thriving - Vendor Registration

  • February 24, 2022
  • 10:00 AM
  • February 27, 2022
  • 6:30 PM
  • Virtual


  • *Logo and link on the AkLA 2022 conference page on
    *Listing in Sponsor Center in the conference app
  • *Listing in Sponsor Center in the conference app
    *Logo and link on the AkLA 2022 conference page on
  • *Acknowledgement during your sponsored event
    *Logo, link and 15-word description (provided by sponsor) on conference webpage.
    *Logo placed on the “Library of the Month” calendar with wide distribution
  • *Preconference workshop sponsorship
    *Silver Sponsorship benefits, plus:
    --Banner ads in both mobile conference app &
    virtual platform
    --One push notification via conference app
    --Promotion on AKLA social
    media as a featured sponsor
  • *An all-attendee keynote sponsorship with a conference-wide audience
    * Gold Sponsorship benefits, plus:
    --Pronounced logo placement on
    the conference app
    --5 minute video advertisement
    during your sponsored
    all-attendee event
  • If you choose only to make a donation to the conference, select this option. On the next page of the form, you will have an option to select a donation amount. Thank you for your support!

Registration is closed


1. Vendors/exhibitors and nonprofit organizations can use this registration page to choose a sponsorship level or make a donation. 

2. Please save your confirmation email for future reference. 

3. Check your confirmation letter for information about Vendor No-Conflict times, and stay tuned for information about our Silent Auction, always a great source of unique Alaska items!

Registration deadline: February 21, 2022 11:59 PM

Contact Sue Sherif with any questions or concerns about registration.  Questions regarding sponsorship should be directed to Christie Burke   (907)459-1064

Thank you for your support!

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